擊鼓鳴冤!Drum & Voice Out!
藝廟春祭 X 香港藝術家工會
Hong Kong Art Temple X Hong Kong Artist Union
All ghosts and souls in the town who are suffering in this Hong Kong Art Scene are now welcome to join the “Drum & Voice Out” during Hong Kong Art Temple in Form Society. Hong Kong Artist Union will be co-host to bring you a series of events including pop-up exhibitions, talk and give-away to present you a picture of Local artist labouring. Come and Join Us!
展覽日期:19/3/2019(二)- 31/3/2019(日)
展覽時間:星期二至日 1-7pm (星期一例假)
【Drum & Voice Out!】Pop-up Exhibition
Exhibition period: 19 March 2019 (Tue) – 31 March 2019 (Sun)
Opening: 21 March 2019 (Thurs) 7-10pm
Hours: 1pm – 7pm (Closed on Monday)
Venue: Form Society (186 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po)
參展藝術家 Participating Artists:
梁志剛 Michael Leung
卓穎嵐 Cheuk Wing Nam
鄭婷婷 Cheng Ting Ting
葉惠龍 Ip Wai Lung
余淑培 Yu Shuk Pui Bobby
梁御東 Ocean Leung
黃嘉瀛 Wong Ka Ying
陳泳因 Doreen Chan
Hong Kong Artist Union will be distributing Stickers and Badges with slogan of Artists’ Rights in【Drum & Voice Out!】Exhibition. Please feel free to carry them around during the Hong Kong art explosion week in March. Limited Amount.