Cheuk Wing Nam
《握手》ak7 shou3 (2019 ver.)
Presented by Contemporary by Angela Li
香港跨媒體藝術家卓穎嵐將呈獻場地特定的互動作品《ak7 shou3》,建基於一件前作, 該裝置作品融入了小提琴、大提琴、錄音機和揚聲器等元素。裝置的邊緣安裝了感應器, 在觀眾移向作品的同時, 感應器將被觸動並發出聲響。每個細微的動作都將改變絃樂器與錄音帶之間微妙的平衡, 揭示過去、現在與未來之間的相互關係。卓穎嵐熱衷呈現光與影、聲音與空間之間的關聯。藝術家致力用現代電腦技術將聲音與其他媒介混和, 發展出新的概念。
Hong Kong interdisciplinary artist Cheuk Wing Nam incorporates new elements into a site-specific reworking of the audience participatory Ak7 shou3, an installation comprised of a violin, a cello, cassette players and speakers. With sensors attached to the edge of the installation, sound will be emitted as members of the audience approach the work. Each subtle interaction will influence the delicate balance between the string instruments and the tape, revealing the interrelationship between past, present and future. Cheuk Wing Nam is devoted to developing new concepts by mixing sound and other media with modern computer technology in her art, with an interest to demonstrate the relationships between light and shadow, and between sound and space.
日期及時間 Date & Time :
Preview|2019/03/26 (Tue.) 14:00 – 17:00
Public Days
03/26 (Tue.) 17:00-21:00 [First Night]
03/27 (Wed) 11:00-17:00
03/28 (Thu.) 12:00-21:00
03/29 (Fri.) 12:00-21:00
03/30 (Sat.) 11:00-19:00
03/31 (Sun.) 11:00-17:00
地點 Venue :
9 Lung Wo Road, Hong Kong